November 2021
Class C amplifiers: A Complete Guide and More!
Amplifiers are essential components when building your circuits. We classify amplifiers into two categories, i.e., mode of operation and construction ...
Heat Sensor Circuit: Operation and How to Build One
In the same way, you can sense heat and a temperature rise; electronic devices can do the same. Unlike your body, which depends on biological processe...
556 Circuits: Ultimate Guide for its Operation
556 circuits are ubiquitous in electronics. Importantly, they help connect many different things, including timers, counters, and oscillators. For ele...
DHT11 Datasheet: The Digital Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor (DHT11) Datasheet
The intensity of temperature and the amount of water vapor in the air always correlate. For you to measure both simultaneously, you need a temperature...
Beaglebone Black Pinout: Pin Configuration, Specification, and Application
Laptops changed the game in tech. Just like a laptop, Beaglebone Black pinout is far packed with a powerful processor, memory, and picture acceleratio...
SPDT Switch Wiring: Everything You Need To Know
Knowledge of electronic components and household technology can give you the power to troubleshoot things yourself. To better understand your home, tr...