BJT Load line: A Better Understanding of The Function
A BJT load line, or a Bipolar Junction Transistor, provides for both electrons and electron holes as charge carriers. It allowed a small current to be...
Noise Filter Circuit: Improving the Sound on your Listening Device
You may notice that the sound from your music player or listening device seems distorted or unclear. That’s usually due to a poor amplification proces...
Vacuum Tube Diode: What It Is and How It Works
In recent times, we’ve seen a lot of technological advances in the area of electrical devices. Nowadays, we can find a bunch of transistors creating l...
Basic Electricals Books: Best 6 You Should Know
Nothing helps you kick-start your journey into an electrical and electronics engineering career other than an excellent electrical engineering book. N...
RTOS vs GPOS: A Complete Guide
In this modern era, we’ve seen a lot of software and hardware solutions that require an operating system. Operating systems help these devices run smo...
Logic Gate Truth Tables: A Complete Guide
Digital systems are at the peak of human technology. Such systems usually contain a microcontroller or computer that stores, processes, and communicat...