PCB Assembly Services-How to Choose A Reliable One

Published on July 23, 2024 , Last modified on August 13, 2024
by Hommer Zhao

High-quality custom PCB assembly services can meet your needs quickly and efficiently.

Choosing the wrong manufacturer for your PCB prototypes and assembly can lead to frustration, extended turnaround times and unnecessary costs. 

In this article, our focus will be on PCB assembly alone. We will study the factors that should be considered when deciding on PCB assembly services. It will ensure that your final product comes out great.

Introduction to PCB Assembly

What is a PCB Assembly (PCBA)?

In simple terms, Printed Circuit Board Assembly) is a board presented after the entire parts and components get soldered and rightfully installed.

A PCBA is the combination of the PCB plus components plus electronic accessories.

The PCB board uses conductive tracks and copper features to structurally support and electronically connect the various components to insulative substrates.

When other components, such as capacitors, resistors, integrated circuits (ICs), transformers, etc., depending on the intended use, are mounted on the PCBs, the resulting board is a Printed Circuit Board.

The Assembly board is presented after the parts and components are soldered and rightfully installed.

PCB Assembly

Why outsource PCBA?

In the past, it was a common practice for companies to fabricate and assemble their PCBs in-house.

This approach is very costly because it requires investment in real estate, machinery, facility development, and staffing.

As a result, only companies with substantial investment capital could establish equipment manufacturing companies.

Today, with several small—to medium-sized Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), fabricating and assembling PCBs in-house is impracticable.

Therefore, the assembly of PCBs can be outsourced to companies that provide PCB Assembly services.

Because they specialize in assembly services, a PCB’s Bill of Materials (BOM) is fitted onto a board because they specialize in assembly services.

PCB assembly companies can produce high-quality PCBs with a low-cost budget and fast turnaround time.

Furthermore, they usually have highly sophisticated facilities that allow them to produce even the most complex PCBs.

However, it’s not just about outsourcing your Bill of Materials (BOM) for a PCB to be fitted onto a board.

PCB assembly is about outsourcing it to the right company.

The right assembly company best suits your quality and delivery time requirements at the lowest cost.

The PCB Assembly Process

Before you even consider getting an SMT.

This will make it easy for a pick-and-place machine to place the components on the PCB (PCB assembly company). You must understand what it entails.

As we’ve defined before, PCB Rapid Prototyping. 3D PCB Printing makes the PCB and does the Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA), which adds components to the PCB board.

There are two main processes for performing SMT). This will make it easy for a pick-and-place machine to pick and place the components on the PCB easily.

Surface-mount Technology

It is the most prevalent assembly method used in several electronic gadgets. In this method, components are directly mounted on the board’s surface.

This method can create very compact PCBs. Specifically, a PCB assembly made with the through-hole method can be made with surface-mount technology with just 10 percent of the board weight and 30 percent of the board size.

This higher connection density allows for quicker and cheaper board production.

Through-hole Manufacturing

It is a more ancient method of SMT. This method involves drilling holes in the circuit board, making it easy for a pick-and-place machine to place the components on the PCB (PCB assembly).

After that, the components or units are fixed in the holes by padding their sides using soldered leads. Because of the stronger bond between the components and the board, PCBs manufactured with this method are usually more durable.

However, this approach is more expensive and time-consuming.

Through-hole manufacturing remains the best option for executing their PCB assembly for transformers and connectors destined to undergo high mechanical, electrical, or environmental stress.

If the equipment you are trying to build fits the description above, through-hole manufacturing is the best bet.

If not, using the surface mount technology may be preferable. Sometimes, both methods are combined for PCB assembly, depending on the project’s requirements.

PCB assembly services

Factors to Consider when Selecting PCB Assembly Services

The success of your project depends on having the right SMT. This will make it easy for a pick-and-place machine to place the components on the PCB (PCB assembly service).

However, selecting the right one from the numerous SMTs will make it easy for a pick-and-place machine to place the components on the PCB (PCB assembly services can be daunting).

The following factors are a well-proven guide that will ensure that you partner with the right PCB assembly company that will allow you to accomplish your goal.

Alignment of Timelines

To minimize expenses and maximize profits, it is essential that all phases of production, including the assembly, follow the timeline, as delays would lead to an unnecessary cost burden.

Therefore, you want a PCB assembly service that can work within your time frame.

For example, if a company is slow at responding to your queries or you need to request information multiple times before getting feedback, it is a good indication that they might be a drag later on.

To small-sized OEMs, such delays can have a devastating impact on your business.

Therefore, ensure you do your homework effectively to ensure the company’s operation timeline works correctly.


Many buyers also consider location and distance, as they affect transportation costs. However, many Chinese manufacturers, such as WellPCB, offer online calculations to get shipping costs and total prices quickly.

Sometimes, for different countries, there are different discounts for shipping by DHL, so even if you feel that the distance is very far, the shipping price is not necessarily expensive.


Working with experienced PCB assembly companies similar to your project is best. Some critical questions to be answered regarding experiences include the following: What assembly technology do they specialize in—surface mount, through-hole, or both?

What batch size do they use? What kind of gadgets do they assemble, and what are their usual components? What industry do they specialize in?

Your goal is to find a PCB assembly service that perfectly aligns with your job requirements. Part of gathering information about their experience is also finding out how long they’ve been in business.

By partnering with companies that have been in business for a long time, you can guarantee that the people who work on your project have the expertise you need to create the best products for you.

Design Partnership

How involved will the selected partner be in the design process?

Some companies will assemble whatever design you send them, and some will be able to collaborate with you to create the outline.

In general, it’s best to work with PCB Rapid Prototyping. 3D PCB Printing makes the PCB and does the Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA), which will actively revise your program to produce the best project at the end of the day.


You must make high-quality products to ensure that the final users of your product are satisfied.

To accomplish this, you need to work with PCB Rapid Prototyping. 3D PCB Printing makes the PCB and does the Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA company reputable for high-quality products).

However, judging the quality before the final PCB Rapid Prototyping delivery can be tricky. 3D PCB Printing makes the PCB and does the Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA).

A way around this is to have the company assemble either a prototype or small batches. If you are satisfied with the results, larger batches can be manufactured.

Some of the critical components to consider in the assessment of quality include:

How good is the company's machinery

Machinery: How good is the company’s machinery?

Having state-of-the-art machinery is no guarantee that the product will be top-notch.

However, it is a good ind cator that the final item will probably be right.

Certifications: A third-party recognized body reviews a company’s services before getting certified.

Therefore, certifications assure you that the company’s practices align with the best standards.

For instance, an ISO 9001 2015 certification certifies that a quality management system is in place.

Customer Feedback: The feedback that a company has received is a good indication of the quality of services that they render.

It would be best to research whether previous clients were satisfied with the company’s delivery.


A good PCB assembler offers a testing option. Rigorous testing is necessary because equipment failure can result in time, money, and damage to your reputation.

To avoid this, you must ensure that the selected PCB assembly service will allow you to test.

You are responsible for looking for a company that offers a comprehensive testing option that works well with you.

Some general testing services include component-level checks, automated optical inspections, and in-circuit verification.

Companies allowing you to work out a custom testing plan with them are even more preferable.


Customer Support

Partnering with a technically competent assembler is essential. However, it is more important to partner with a PCB assembly service that will provide exceptional customer service.

You want a partner who will help you find the best solution, offer advice, and help if any problem arises.

Communicating with the company’s representative can give you a feel for their support.

The manner and promptness with which they respond to your queries will give you insight into how helpful they are.

Similarly, online testimonials and their social media engagement will show the effectiveness of their customer support.

Make sure you clarify the extent to which support will be provided.

Will they perform routine tests? Will they help to fix problems that arise with the PCBs?

How soon will they fix your problems? You want to ensure that you get the best customer support deal.


Regarding pricing, your goal is to get the most excellent value for the least buck.

The amount spent on the PCB assembly will affect the final price of the gadget.

Therefore, you must make your product high-quality and affordable to remain competitive.

The factors affecting pricing include the order size, services requested, resources provided, labor, and shipping costs.

Although pricing is necessary, the budget should not be too small, as this would compromise the quality of the product.

The best approach is to get quotes from several PCB assembly services and find the one that offers excellent quality at a reasonable cost.

PCB Assembly Services

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Reg Flags to Avoid when Selecting PCB Assembly Services

There are some critical danger signals when selecting one of the several PCB assembly services.

These red flags should serve as an indication to deter you from reaching any consensus with any PCB assembly company that exhibits them.


If communication with the company is not smooth, you should not select them.

This will only affect how information is shared between you.

Similarly, you should not partner with a company that will not continuously keep you in the loop without you asking.


Companies unwilling to compromise to ensure you get the best solution should not work with them.

If their working requirements are too strict for you to comply with, it indicates that you should back down from such a partnership.

Long Timeline

If time is important, you need a reputable company that offers speedy delivery.

If the company has a track record of delivering projects after the specified deadline without any reasonable explanation, you should think twice before contracting them for your PCB assembly.

No References

A PCB assembly company that cannot provide you with references unless it is new has something unpleasant to hide.

Therefore, you should avoid partnering with them.

Inflated Prices

Avoid using assembly companies that are expensive and cannot be reasonably proven.

If you can’t explain why you’re paying such a high price, why should you use them?

What Happens When You Choose a PCB Assembly Service?

When you’ve used the factors discussed in the previous chapters to find a PCB assembly service that perfectly fits you, it is time to begin the assembly process.

Here is what you should x e t after selecting a PCB assembly service.

Project Discussion

Here, strictly discuss the details of the project rigorously. The methodology, equipment, you its, and processes that will be employed will be determined.

This process will ensure a solid plan before the production film work is required to manufacture PCBs.

Resources Acquisition and Assembly Commencement

This is the stage where you provide the assembly company with all the required resources, including the components and design outlines. After that, the assembly r c ss begins.

Keeping in Touch

Here, the assembly service contacts you to provide regular project updates. If any challenge arises along the way, they ask for your input.

Product delivery will be delivered once

Once the PCB assembly service completes the project according to your specs.

Customer Support

After delivery, the assembly company will periodically check in to see if any issues arise and ensure everything works as specified.

Pricing of PCB Assembly

The price of a PCB assembly depends on several factors. Some of the notable ones n l de:

The Assembler

PCB assembly services quote different prices, even for the same project.

Order size

The larger your order, the more expensive it will be. However, most companies offer discounted prices for larger bulk orders.

Project Requirement

It is quite obvious that your specifications will affect the pricing, higher quality, extra testing, and complicated design attract higher costs.

Resources Provided

If you supply the assembler with the necessary resources, they won’t need to purchase them, resulting in a lower assembly cost.

However, if the PCB assembly company has to purchase all the resources, it will attract a higher cost.

Shipping Cost

The shipping cost will affect the order size, distance, and options.

An interplay of all these factors will determine the final cost of your project.


Every OEM aims to manufacture top-notch electrical gadgets at reasonable prices. This is very important if the company remains competitive in the marketplace.

The quality of an electro I get depends on the PCB assembly quality. However, selecting the ri h is often a tedious process.

To ensure that the right C s assembly service is selected, discussed the important factors to consider.

By using these factors to select the best fit among the several existing PCB assembly services, you can guarantee that you will eventually get the right assembler.

Finally, the quality of your product must never be compromised because of an undue budget cut.

If you’re ready to get high-quality PCB assembly, you’re in the right place. Kindly click here to get your your.

PCB Assembly Services

Kickstart Your Projects with Precision! Get PCB Assembly for Only $99—Limited Time Offer!

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Hommer Zhao
Hi, I'm Hommer Zhao, the founder and Chief Editor at WellPCB. With extensive experience in the PCB industry, I oversee all content to ensure it meets the highest standards of accuracy and insight. We proudly serve over 4,000 customers globally. For inquiries or more information, don't hesitate to reach out. Your satisfaction is my top priority!