Basic Electricals Books: Best 6 You Should Know

Published on September 9, 2021 , Last modified on January 17, 2025
by Hommer Zhao
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Nothing helps you kick-start your journey into an electrical and electronics engineering career other than an excellent electrical engineering book. Now, there are many basic electricals books out there. The good ones are those that cover both theoretical and practical applications of the subject. However, you would not know until you try the books. As a result, we decided to review the best electrical engineering books in this article. 

The Best Basic Electricals Books List

Electrical Engineering 101

Darren Ashby

Author: Darren Ashby

Why Recommend

Electrical Engineering 101 is one of the top electrical books that you can lay your hand on at the moment. While the book takes the course from the fundamental concepts, it also provides you with a basic understanding of the fundamentals. 

Moreover, the book covers the basic electrical engineering principles that operate electronic components while using real-world examples to show their applications. 

This book starts from the very basics. Therefore, it’s a perfect option for beginners in the electrical and electronic professions. 

Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers

Donald Fink and Wayne Beaty

Author: Donald Fink and Wayne Beaty

Why Recommend

This book seeks to help students who have finished the beginner stage and are looking to proceed to the more complicated topics in the electrical engineering course. 

Also, it covers topics like transmission methods, generation methods, forms of electrical switchgear, and many other important topics in electrical engineering. 

The Standard Handbook’s new edition features topics such as instrumentation and measurements, solar cells, and wiring techniques. Other topics include power plants and electrical symbols and conversion factors, transformers and interconnected power grids. 

Dover Books on Electrical Engineering

Various Authors

Author: Various Authors 

Why Recommend

Also known as Basic Electricity, this book is old but remains relevant. Moreover, the revised edition does an excellent coverage of beginner and advanced topics in electrical engineering. 

These topics include series direct current circuits, electrical conductors, electronic circuits, network analysis of direct current circuits, introduction to alternating current electricity and fundamental alternating current circuit theory. Other topics include servomechanisms, direct current generators, inductive and capacitive reactance and electromagnetism. 


Power System Analysis and Design

Sarma Mulukutla

Author: Thomas Overbye, J. Duncan Glover, and S. Sarma Mulukutla

Why Recommend

Power Design is one of the important aspects of electricity. Therefore, it is important that electrical engineering students get a very good textbook for it. Besides, this book caters to your needs with regards to both theoretical and practical aspects of the concept. 

The topics covered by this book include power system analysis, power system fundamentals, system protection, reactive power, power transformers, and power flows. If you are looking to become a power systems engineer, Power System Analysis and Design is one of the books you should get.

Practical Electronics for Inventors

Paul Scherz

Author: Paul Scherz

Why Recommend

This textbook is one of the ideal materials for advancing your knowledge in electronics and offers the required assistance to build efficient gadgets. The book uses illustrations, step-by-step instructions, and also schematics. Some of the electrical devices covered in the book include DC Motors, semiconductors, microcontrollers, and the like. 

Other topics include stepper motors, magnetic circuits, magnetic amplifiers, RC Servo, Sensors and GPS modules, Power Supply, Digital Electronics, Logic Gates, LCD displays, and integrated circuits. 

Beginner’s Practical Guide to Reading Schematics

Stan Gibilisco 

Author: Stan Gibilisco 

Why Recommend

Schematics is an important theory of electricity that many students miss out on during their university days. First, this textbook seeks to cover that anomaly and provide students with the needed information on the subject matter. 

Besides, it doesn’t cover topics such as advanced magnetic theory and control engineering, which are very important to electronics engineers. However, you get a detailed and amazing guide to drawing and reading electrical schematic diagrams. 

You will also get a practical guide on how to draw things like inductors, transformers, light bulbs, Diodes, voltage dividers and reducers, batteries and cells. 


So, these are some of the high-quality basic electrical books that we recommend for people seeking to start their career in electrical engineering. Also, if you are already an expert seeking to expand your horizons and advance your knowledge base in the profession, you will find these books helpful.

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Hommer Zhao
Hi, I'm Hommer Zhao, the founder and Chief Editor at WellPCB. With extensive experience in the PCB industry, I oversee all content to ensure it meets the highest standards of accuracy and insight. We proudly serve over 4,000 customers globally. For inquiries or more information, don't hesitate to reach out. Your satisfaction is my top priority!

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