Cleaning the pc board
This is the first thing that you must do. It entails exposing the board to a cleaning solution before you start populating it with components. Freshly cleaned PCB responds to soldering well. You will use less heat and realize that the board wets well. Alternatively, you may choose to de-oxidize the board before you solder it. Isopropyl alcohol and Scotch Brite may be used to clean the board. If it needs to be scrubbed, use glass fiber and not steel wool, which may leave tiny fibers that cause shorts.

Populating the Board
When it comes to populating your PCBs, you need to plan how to go about it. Keep in mind that you need to leave enough room to get the components in their proper place and allow you enough space to get your solder wire to areas where it is required. It means that you need to plan how you will be populating the PC board. The best way to do this is to start by soldering the components across the board. It is recommended that you start with the resistors on the lower section of your board and work moving up. It reduces the chances of significant components getting in the way when installing smaller ones.
Use Tweezers

It would help if you got a pair of tweezers, especially in cases where you will be working with tiny components that require the use of tweezers. It makes adding features to the board easier.
Using Hot Glue
It can be used as an insulator on electronic components. However, care must be taken to avoid spilling the glue on thermally sensitive parts. Also, it should not be spilled on components known to dissipate heat. Hot glue could be used to insulate components and secure wires in place. It can also help to seal unnecessary openings since it is waterproof.

Plan the Enclosure
This is the most important thing you need to think about before you start working on your PCB. The reason for this is that it helps your end product look decent. Choosing your pc board enclosure requires that you consider the end-user. Look at the portability of the device and whether it needs to be waterproof or not. The section you choose will depend on the shape and the size of your PCB.
Making Use of Magnifying Glass

Using a magnifying glass will help you to troubleshoot and inspect your work. It enables you to detect and eliminate errors that may make your pc board not work as required.