How the PCB Component List Can Make or Break PCB

Published on March 14, 2020 , Last modified on July 31, 2024
by Hommer Zhao

A well-planned and thorough bill of materials is highly essential to the proper functioning of a circuit in addition to maximizing a manufacturer’s chances of delivering printed circuit boards on time. As a producer, if you happen to forget even a single detail, you may end up releasing substandard printed circuit boards that will hurt the reputation of your firm.


Therefore, the PCB component that you’ll end up using on your board deserve careful consideration. At this point, we clearly define essential requirements for an excellent electronics components list.

What is the PCB component list supposed to be?

A well-thought electronics component list will help you avoid plenty of issues. It should include the following factors.

Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)

The manufacturer part number (MPN) is a component code that is uniform and recognized by the entire component sourcing channels such as Mouser, Digikey, and Element14, among others. It is identifiable as a series of numerical and alphabetical codes given by the manufacturer to identify the specific PCB component in a manufacturing line.

From these channels, you effortlessly get the correct MPN. Even if you choose to use an essential component, such as a 555 timer, you need to ensure that you include the manufacturer’s part number. With the manufacturer part number in place, you will facilitate the usage of the right components when assembling the printed circuit board.

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Reference Designator

While it is vital to have the manufacturer’s part number, it is also crucial to have a reference designator. Typically, the reference designator is denoted by possibly one or two letters then, followed by a number. For instance, you will see CR3 on a circuit board; this is the reference designator.

The designator effectively specifies PCB components used on the board well. Once you have them in place, they are convenient since they ensure better placement of the same parts during the assembly process. You will not easily confuse the elements when assembling.


A Description Field

Like the manufacturer part number and the reference designator, a description field is also essential to developing a printed circuit board. This section generally gives an overview of whatever component you need. It also describes very vital information that members of an assembly line should not and the end-user.

As a manufacturer of printed circuit boards, a description field allows you to put whatever you want on the board. This way, you will quickly identify the exact role of each part and enter comments regarding any special considerations. It also repairs your PCB in a very smooth process because all appropriate cautions are already in place.


Lastly, there is the quantity field when it comes to assembling a printed circuit board. The quantity field is a vital part that helps ensure that the number of PCB components is accurate before the assembly process begins. The quantity keeps everything in check, more so for an automated assembly where everything needs counterchecking beforehand.

Consequences of a Poor Component List

Here are the consequences of an inferior components list.

Errors in Prototype Manufacturing

Prototype manufacturing errors are a challenge that a majority of printed circuit board designers face lately. For designers, we can all agree that there’s nothing like a perfect prototype. However, most of the time, manufacturers will tell you that your product is not ready yet or add a few tweaks to the prototype.

While the reasons behind such excuses could be many. Significant errors in prototype manufacturing of PCBs mainly happen due to an ill-thought PCB components list.

By using substandard parts or assuming to use essential components, as a PCB prototype manufacturer. It is easy to understand why you will produce a prototype that will not meet the demands of the industry. Here, you will most likely face manufacturing errors that are not only costly but time-consuming on your end.

Much worse if you encounter errors in prototype manufacturing as a result of a hurriedly-made components list. Then you risk losing even some of your loyal customers to a competitor. Unfortunately, many manufacturers seem to struggle with an ineffective PCB components list, thereby encountering many errors during prototype manufacturing.

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Mismatched Parts

There is nothing more frustrating than rolling out printed circuit boards to the market that consists of incompatible parts. In the long run, these boards may fail to function as desired or break down altogether.

Again, if the electronics components list that you rely on is substandard, then you will manufacture a board with mismatched parts. An aspect that will see you encountering delayed runs and additional costs.

An eye-opener with a substandard or incomplete list is the possibility of essential parts not making it onto your printed circuit board or these parts ending up in the wrong place. On most occasions, mismatched pieces may demand a total rework, an issue that is both costly and time-consuming.

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Higher than Expected Costs

Manufacturing PCBs, especially those that contain more than a single layer, is relatively expensive. Usually, PCB manufacturers aim to minimize their manufacturing costs for them also to realize some profit. 

However, such is not the case for a majority of PCB designers. Many of them encounter higher than expected manufacturing and also shipping costs due to having in place weak PCB components list. With a shallow components list, you may have to rework the whole board to fix any errors on it, an aspect that will see a correct PCB service provider. Thankfully, there are various PCB manufacturing firm incurring additional and unnecessary costs. 

Having a complete components list, all the parts needed to manufacture a printed circuit board get listed. Additionally, you get to identify their prices and where to source them from early enough. This way, there is an avoidance of unnecessary costs.

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Delay in PCB Development

PCB makers who take ages to manufacture their customers’ products risk losing them to manufacturers who take a shorter time to deliver such products. It is frustrating for customers when they get their PCBs later than their anticipated time. Sadly, this is the case with most companies that deal with the manufacture of printed circuit boards.

Delay in the development of printed circuit boards is a challenge that might happen due to a weak component list. With an inferior components list, it becomes difficult to manufacture printed circuit boards at the agreed time. The reason for an incomplete file is that it takes a lot of time to come up with a printed circuit board, as you’ll have to run back and forth between different suppliers looking for the necessary parts required to complete the board.

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Delayed Runs

The production of PCBs is exceptionally high-volume manufacturing. Is a technical and specialized work that requires a good component list on the parts that make up the board. Delayed runs in PCB manufacturing often occur due to imperfect component lists that don’t contain all the necessary parts to make up a printed circuit board. 

With an incomplete list, you risk losing customers to manufacturers who manufacture their printed circuit boards on time. With an incomplete list of components, you cannot get your production up and running on time. An aspect that makes the production of your printed circuit boards late.

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WellPCB is an industry leader when it comes to fast and precise printed circuit board prototyping. We make it easy to ensure that your entire electronic components list is not only accurate but complete with a fully customized BOM Analyzer. With our tool, you can quickly check for component availability. Identify omissions and errors, review and effectively download documentation, and make corrections. We can also provide you with a BOM template for your convenience. 

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Hommer Zhao
Hi, I'm Hommer Zhao, the founder and Chief Editor at WellPCB. With extensive experience in the PCB industry, I oversee all content to ensure it meets the highest standards of accuracy and insight. We proudly serve over 4,000 customers globally. For inquiries or more information, don't hesitate to reach out. Your satisfaction is my top priority!