What is an EMW3165?

Fig 1: A Computer Connected to WiFi
It is an embedded, low-cost, small-form, low-power Wi-Fi module. Also, the module features 128 kilo Bytes of RAM, a Cortex-M4 core microcontroller, and 512KB of chip flash. Furthermore, the module has 2M Bytes of SPI flash/onboard flash.
Besides, the module is rich in various digital and analog peripheral resources and operates as a MiCO platform. Therefore, it allows users to create custom embedded Wi-Fi applications on a MiCO library. It is handy in managing TCP/IP stack processing and Wi-Fi MAC.
In addition, it has a self-hosted WiFi network library. Finally, the WiFi module sports an independent series of firmware, such as Cloud services and Wireless UART.
Module Specifications

Fig 2: A Router for Accessing the Internet
The module measures 32mm by 16mm and has the following properties:
- It requires 3v to 6v operating voltage and features 22 GPIO module pins
- Secondly, it has a JTAG and SWD interface and 0.9 mm pitch pins
Wi-Fi Module
- It supports various protocols, including 802.11 n, 802.11 g, and 802.11 b.
- Also, the module allows Enterprise, WPA/WPA2 PSK, WEP encryptions, and its receiver to have a sensitivity of -87 dBm.
- Further, it enables EasyLink support and thus will connect to a wi-fi network in a single click.
- Lastly, the EMW3162 Wi-Fi module sports an external antenna with an IPEX connector and a Built-in PCB.
STM32F411CE microcontroller
- The STM Cortex-M4 operates at a frequency of 100 MHz and has a 128 KBs of RAM.
- Secondly, it has 2M external flash memory, which operates on an SPI bus
The Main Difference Between EMW3162 and EMW3165

Fig 3: A WiFi Board Module
The EMW3162 operates on a 120MHz frequency Cortex-M3 microcontroller. Further, it has a 1Mega Byte of flash and 128Kilo bytes of SRAM. Lastly, it has MxchipWnet embedded Wi-Fi firmware, which opens up an extensive range of peripherals.
Contrastingly, the EMW3165 features an STM32F411CE Cortex-M4 microcontroller operating on a self-hosted” WiFi networking library. Further, its peripherals-rich to enable embedded operations.
The second difference is that the EMW3165 is relatively smaller than the EMW3162.
Hardware Block

Fig 4: EMW3165 Hardware Block
EMW3165 Applications
The Low-power embedded WIFI module is useful in the following application components:
- Auto electronics and Point of Sale (POS) systems
- Industrial automation systems and the healthcare industry
- Essential in building automation systems and smart home appliances.
Above is a detailed elaboration of the features of the low-power embedded Wi-Fi Module. For additional queries, talk to us, and we’ll gladly help.