So, What Are 94V-0 Circuits?
As I previously defined, these are conventional circuits printed on PCBs with a specific UL 94v-0 flammability test.
So, primarily, these are standard circuits; they only differ from the ordinary circuits for attaining some alien “UL 94V-0 Flammability test”.
This undefined test begs our next question.
What Is The “UL 94V-0 Flammability Test”?
The need for powerful, rugged devices useful in hardship areas (like wet or fiery environments) has continuously inspired circuit engineers to evaluate the materials used to print PCBs more thoroughly.
This quest has continually pushed circuit manufacturers to produce device circuits that claim to brave stresses like fire from the environment or within the circuit itself.

But with increased competition and production, came an inevitable need to test the ability of different manufacturers.
There was a growing need to determine a framework for grading the evaluation of different PCB materials.
Owing to this need, the UL 94 flammability test emerged in about 2004 by an American electronics company, The Underwriters Laboratory (UL).
The trial could rate different materials for their ability to withstand fire.
It is listed with critical international standards like the 2015 IEC 60695-11-20, ISO 9772, and ISO 9773.

Table 1: Image courtesy of F2 Labs
The UL 94V-0 was the best flammability rating for materials that tolerated vertical burning.
According to the standards, 94V-0 circuit boards are PCBs that can stop burning within 10 seconds of being subjected to vertical combustion.
More about the UL 94 ratings are shown in Table 1 above.
Awesome Properties Of 94V-0 Circuit Board
1. Almost non-flammable: Such boards are made of materials that are highest rated in the UL 94 flammability test, so they are not easily flammable.
2. They are standardized to accommodate conventional electronic components.
These boards are also standardized, allowing developers to mount modern electronic components easily.
3. Improved PCB designing can minimize the space taken to produce large circuits by overlaying layers of copper linings and insulating materials.
Why You Need a 94V-0 Circuit Board?
If you were interested in the previous chapter, I highlighted that the 94V-0 circuits are made of the best-rated PCB materials.
Now, as an engineer and a prospective electronics seller, I bet you are seeking to sell an electronic that will perform as well as it will appeal.
Because of this, knowing that your circuit will tolerate environmental fire is already enough to thrill you.
But you might think, “…
Hey buddy, look, I will produce a smart bulb with LEDs.
How on earth are bulbs going to be in hot environments? You see?
Surely, this thing doesn’t apply in my scenario.”
Well, here is a little episode; tell me if such a story rings a bell in your past experiences:

You went shopping for a simple electronic (say a power extension or a bright bulb) in your favorite electrical/electronics’ shop.
You spotted an excellent and cheaper option for the gadget.
So, you chose it, swiped your card or phone at the cashier, and off you went to test it.
Getting home, you felt excited to check your new gadget. So, you power it.
The device worked just fine for some time. But after a while, it exploded as though touched by unseen hell fire, leaving it burnt and deformed.
You, on the other hand, became both worried and scared.
And then you head back to the shop, buy a new one, and the explosion repeats.
Tell me, how would you feel about it?
Let me guess: you would feel so excited after such an experience that you would recommend the product to your friends, right?
I doubt it.
Such an experience would drive you bananas over the particular electronic brand. So, you will likely become the unofficial ambassador of campaigning against a brand.
Now, think about it from the producer’s view. How would you feel if your product generated negative reviews from its inability to tolerate fire?
That would hinder your sales and, in turn, affect your business negatively.
Without the 94V-0 rating on circuits, PCBs do not just burn; they become deformed.
It is the main reason you must strive for your PCB to be 94V-0 rated before going into large-scale productions.
Applications Of 94V-0 Circuit Board
As I had noted before, these circuits are the most recommendable circuits to manufacturers of rugged devices.
Within professionals, such devices are widely used in the consumer industry to produce high-quality devices that can be used in:
a. Professions where the failure of a gadget could be fatal.
For instance, when producing circuit boards for gadgets used in hospitals or the military.
b. Professions that are susceptible to accidents, ne.g., and devices used by the military, civil engineers, and carpenters, among other like jobs, most of these devices are often “military level” or simply “rugged” devices. tr

These circuit boards have recently become increasingly popular and are used to develop other consumer gadgets that must function even during fire outbreaks.
One proper application has been the adoption of 94V-0 boards in making CCTV cameras, which can be useful during fire outbreak emergencies to direct people trapped in such places.
94V-0 Circuit Board–One Last Piece Of Good News Is That
At WellPCB, we have been manufacturing advanced circuit boards for over ten years, and We have invested considerable time and finances in researching PCBs.
Our products are top-notch, and most are tested to meet the 94V-0 rating of the UL 94 flammability standards.
We accept all forms of customized PCBs. Because we take pride in our customer support, we will always be available to help you choose what is best for your project.
Please feel free to reach out to us through our contact page if you need a helping hand with PCBs with 94V-0 ratings.
We will offer you quality circuits at very competitive pricing. Don’t you believe this?
Well, why can’t you provide us with an invoice here now?
We will let you see the difference after that.