1. Major Factors for the Tendency of Electronic Component

Many known factors affect the overall market. Analysis of existing growth trends globally and for different countries is one factor. Another is the new and growing electronics industry sectors. Automotive and the new Internet of Things sectors are expected. To grow significantly, driving overall growth. Obviously, sectors like mobile and fixed telecommunications, computer devices of all forms. And many others are well established and likely to grow less.
2.However Many Unknowns Could affect the Electronic Components that govern the overall global economy.

The electronics industry’s output is growing rapidly, and devices based on acoustoelectronics and magnetoelectronics are increasing. Rapid expansion has distinguished such equipment as microcomputers, color picture tubes, and electronic calculators (including programmable calculators). As well as video recorders, electronic watches, and high-quality stereo systems.
And microwave ovens.Many of these innovations, such as the transistor. Had their origins in military research. Which needed increasingly complex electronic devices for modern high-tech warfare.
The consumer electronics industry is a major end-use market for electronic components. And therefore the recent spurt in demand for electronic devices. Particularly in developed markets, is lending significant traction to the global electronic components market.

Electronic device manufacturers increasing their production capacity to meet the growing demand for these. Such as the growing demand for Wireless Communication Equipment. Data Network Infrastructure needs multilayer PCBs. Industrial expansion in emerging markets and the Electronic medical industry. Also, increase the market for electronic components.
So that more competitive the electronics industry will be. Also, the costs and markets of electronics components will significantly increase. So more innovative technology to make the right component selection is required.