S8050 Transistor – What It Is and Its Use

Published on November 15, 2021 , Last modified on January 24, 2025
by Hommer Zhao
Several Transistors

In almost all electronic projects, you’ll find a transistor. The component is helpful in the amplification purposes of electronic circuits. Nonetheless, not every transistor is fit for all signal applications. Most are specific to a particular operation depending on their make. We’ll elaborate on the S8050 transistor. 

Therefore, keep reading for an intricate product description of this popular transistor.

What is an S8050 transistor?

A Girl Listening to Music on Headphones

Figure 1: A Girl Listening to Music on Headphones

It’s a low-voltage NPN transistor that is primarily common in audio amplification. Thus, it is a class B Push-Pull audio amplifier. Nonetheless, it is also a general-purpose transistor that is useful in a variety of electronic circuits. 

Also noteworthy is that the transistor is a semiconductor. Thus, applying a positive current at the collector terminal will yield a current flow to the emitter. Hence, it operates differently from the common PNP semiconductors. 

The S8050 falls under the bipolar junction transistors (BJT) category. Therefore, it possesses two charge carriers. 

S8050 transistor Pinout


Figure 2: Transistors

Here is a simple table showcasing the S8050 transistor pinout. 

Pin 1Emitter (E)It’s the pin via which current drains from the transistor.
Pin 2Base (B)The current at this pin is the base currency.
Pin 3Collector (C)It is the terminal via which collector currents leave the transistor.

Figure 3: S8050 Transistor Pinout

S8050  transistor Equivalent Transistors

Several Transistors

Figure 4: Several Transistors

There are other transistors with a similar amplification capacity to the S8050. They include the S9013 and the 2N5830. 

Also, there are other alternatives to the S8050, also belonging to the NPN transistors package type. Electrical engineering professionals can thus use them in place of the S8050. They include the MPSA42, 2N3055, 2N3906, 2N2369, and BC547. 

Features of S8050 Transistor


Figure 5: Several Transistors

The following are some of the fundamental features of the transistor.

  •  It features a maximum current gain of 400. 
  • The maximum gain is approximately 110 at the normal operating collector current. 
  • Its minimum DC gain is 40
  • Its maximum collector pin current is 700mA. 
  • For biasing, it requires a current of up to 5mA on the base pin. 
  • The highest collector-emitter voltage is 20V. 
  • Its maximum collector-base voltage is 30V. 
  • It features a maximum collector dissipation of 1W. 
  • At 100MHZ, the transistor will be at the maximum transition frequency.
  • Its operating and storage temperature range is between -65 to 150 degrees Celsius.
  • Its package type is a TO-92. 
  • It features a transfer ratio of forwarding current of 120. 

S8050 transistor Advantage

Electronic Engineers at Work

Figure 6: Electronic Engineers at Work

The overarching advantage of the transistor primarily relies on its high gain capacity. Normally, its gain can rise to 400. In terms of amplification capacity, such a gain value is valuable. 

Also, its gain can be low, especially when under normal operating current. Therefore, it offers a range that engineers can exploit in the creation of electronics. Thus, the high and low gains allow for various levels of amplification. 

S8050 transistor Application


Figure 7: Speakers 

  1. It is ideal for loudspeaker audio amplification circuitry. 
  2. Useful in push-pull transistors.
  3. It’s the best fit for low-signal applications. 
  4. Suitable for use in high-gain circuits. 
  5. Useful as a switch. Nonetheless, the loads must be below the 700mA threshold. 
  6. Applicable for low gain to high gain amplification. 

S8050 in Push-Pull Configuration

Testing an Electronic Circuit

Figure 8: Testing an Electronic Circuit

In the above section, we’ve mentioned that the transistor is common in push-pull configurations. 

Ideally, you’ll be required to assemble two complementary transistors. Thus, while one is an NPN, the other is a PNP. The two should also be identical. 

In this case, your NPN is the s8050. Hence, you can pair it with a PNP transistor such as S8550. 

Where Can We Use the S8050 Transistor & How to Use it?

Music Amplifier Controls

Figure 9: Music Amplifier Controls 

You can regard the S8050 as a general-purpose transistor. Thus, it finds use in various types of circuits for small and general uses. For example, in electronic circuits that require a switch, the transistor is useful. 

Also, it will perfectly control loads that are below the 700mA threshold. Note that this current is sufficient for running most of the small power household appliances. For instance, it is suitable for running LEDs, relays, and bulbs. 

The other typical application is in the amplification processes. Alternatively, you can apply it in the separate amplification of small signals.

How to Safely Long Run S8050 in Circuit?

A Thermometer

Figure 10: A Thermometer

If you are looking to use this transistor for your project, there are several vital precautions. First, make sure you use it with a voltage below 20V. 

Also, make sure that you don’t connect a load that exceeds 0.7 A. 

Additionally, make sure to operate it under the right temperature range. Ideally, it should be between 150 degrees Celsius and -60 degrees Celsius. 


The above insights are vital in understanding the operation of an S8050 transistor. In case you would like a clarification on the transistor, talk to us. 

We’ll respond to you within the shortest time possible. We hope that the above insights will be helpful in your electronic circuit project. 

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Hommer Zhao
Hi, I'm Hommer Zhao, the founder and Chief Editor at WellPCB. With extensive experience in the PCB industry, I oversee all content to ensure it meets the highest standards of accuracy and insight. We proudly serve over 4,000 customers globally. For inquiries or more information, don't hesitate to reach out. Your satisfaction is my top priority!